Dec 8, 2011


We attended the 36th workshop of IPSJ SIGEVA, held at IIM in Tokyo. Sho Niboshi presented the results of SPECjEnterprise2010 measurement and performance analysis.

Nov 18, 2011

ICIMµ 2011

Hitoshi Oi attended the 5th International conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMµ2011) held at Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia from November 14 to 16. He presented a paper titled "Power-Performance Analysis of JVM Implementations" at ICIMµ2011.

Nov 13, 2011

Institute of Microelectronics

Hitoshi Oi visited Institute of Microelectronics on November 12. His visit was originally schedule on the previous day (Friday, November 11) but the plan had to be altered due to the cancellation of his flight to Singapore. Kindly enough, Dr Liao Xiongfei (who hosted Hitoshi Oi's visit) and his group leader Dr Lui Xin offered their weekend time for the visit. We discussed low-power design approaches for sensor network devices.

Nov 11, 2011

In Narita (still !)

I was supposed to be in Singapore today, but my flight yesterday was canceled. I was re-booked for today's flight and I had to make some changes to my trip plan.

Nov 7, 2011

Thesis Project Topics Slides

Slides that explain thesis projects (and our group) are posted at my Research page (or, at the direct link).

Please also refer to:

  • You can find our group's activities on this board
  • Archives of student theses are available at Theses page.
  • Movies including thesis presentations are available at YouTube CAOSgrp channel.
  • Some other movies are on Ustream.
  • Find my research areas and publications in Research page.

Interested stundetns, please contact Hitoshi Oi.

Nov 5, 2011

Dr Vitor Santos Costa from University of Porto, Portugal

Dr Vitor Santos Costa from University of Porto, Portugal, visited Aizu. He has been invited by Tokyo University of Technology and visiting the school this week. On November 3, which was a national holiday in Japan, he made a one-day excursion to Aizu that included a short tour of our campus and Aizu Castle.

Oct 25, 2011

John McCarthy

John McCarthy — Father of AI and Lisp — Dies at 84

Personally, this news has more impact than Apple's. I enjoyed programming in Lisp while I was in Master's program.

Oct 12, 2011

ISPA 2012

Hitoshi Oi is going to serve as a program committee member for the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-12) which will be held in Madrid, Spain in July 2012.

Sep 24, 2011

ICIMµ 2011

A paper authored by Hitoshi Oi is accepted for presentation at 2011 5th International conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMµ2011) , which will take place in Kuala Lunmpur, Malaysia in November. The paper is titled "Power-Performance Analysis of JVM Implementations" and compares two open-source implementations of JVM, OpenJDK and J9 in their performance and dynamic power consumption using SPECjvm2008.

Sep 22, 2011

Visit to Porto

Hitoshi Oi is visiting University of Porto, Portugal and is meeting Ines and Vitor, Joao Pedro and Rui.

Sep 9, 2011


Hitoshi Oi attended the International Conference on High Performance and Communications (HPCC) held in Banff, Canada and presented a paper at the Workshop on Sustainable HPC Cloud Computing (SHPCC '11) . The paper is titled as "Performance Modeling of a Consolidated Java Application Server" and is co-authored with Kazuaki Takahashi.

Aug 29, 2011


Hitoshi Oi is going to attend HPCC-2011, held in Banff, Canada from September 2 to 4, to present a paper at Sustainable HPC Cloud Computing (SHPCC'11) a workshop held within HPCC.

The paper is titled "Performance Modeling of a Consolidated Java Application Server" and is co-authored with Kazuaki Takahashi, a former student member of the group (now with Yahoo Japan). We will present the work-in-progress project of modeing the performance Java application server consolidated by Xen.

Jun 1, 2011

LinuxCon Japan 2011

Attending LinuxCon Japan 2011 held in Pacifico Yokohama. First session was Greg Kroah-Hartman interviewing Linus Torvalds, talked about 20th anniversary of Linux and Kernel 3.0. Unfortunately, all conference rooms had flat floors and only people sitting first few rows could view slides in full.

Many used paper cups and bows left at the table in the lobby, reminded me the importance of childfood education :-)

Apr 6, 2011

NMT 2012 postponed to 2012

Due to the devastating earthquakes, tsunamis and also still developing nuclear plant accsidents, MCSoC-12 has been postponed a year, and will be held in September 2012. Consequently, our special session on Network-on-Chip and Multicore Technologies (NMT 2012) has also been postponed to the next year.

Please note, however, that Aizu is far away from the Fukushima Nuclear plants (which are on the coast while we are inland, about 60 miles away). We are suffering from minor problems in social infrastructures but we are OK. It doesn't make sense to cancel your trip to Japan unless your destinations happened to be the pacific coastal areas of Tohoku (northeast) regions.

Mar 12, 2011

internet connection disrupted

Fortunately, damages to our school and ourselves are manageable, but internet connection to our school has been disrupted. We guess that this is because our connection is routed through Tohoku University in Sendai, where the damages are much more severe.

Mar 11, 2011

earthquake damage (video)

pavement was cracked and a pillar was dropped.

earthquake pictures (4) on campus

earthquake pictures (3) on my desk

Fortunately, no ceiling panel was dropped in my office, but saw 'white powder' on the laptop computer (which came from the ceiling panels).

earthquake pictures (2) my office

Cardboard boxes fell down on the floor. More than half of books fell from the shelves.

earthquake pictures (1) lab

In the lab, lots of ceiling panels dropped.

Mar 10, 2011

Network-on-Chip and Multicore Technologies (NMT 2011)

We are going to organize a special session "Network-on-Chip and Multicore Technologies (NMT 2011)" within the International Symposium on Embedded Multicore Systems-on-chip (MCSoC-11), which will be held at the University of Aizu in September this year. The special session aims to provide a venue for presenting and discussing interdisciplinary research activities in NoC and multicore technologies. If you are interested in participating the special session, either as a committee member, a reviewer, or an author, please let us know by sending email to nmt2011 at .

Feb 12, 2011

Kazuaki Takahashi Thesis Presentation

Kazuaki Takahashi presented his Thesis for BSc in Computer Science on February 10 at 1400 in M1 Classroom (Room 201 of the Lecturer Hall). The title of his thesis was "Measurement of Virtualization Overhead in a Java Application Server." Videos from his presentation are uploaded to youtube. At the presentation, we had a guest from Porto, Rui Rei who was staying with us last year as an exchange student.

Jan 28, 2011

Kazuaki Takahashi Thesis Presentation

Kazuaki Takahashi will defend his thesis for Bachelor's degree in Computer Science on February 10 at 1400 in M1 Classroom (Room 201 of the Lecturer Hall). The title of his thesis is "Measurement of Virtualization Overhead in a Java Application Server." The thesis presentation is open to public and anyone interested is welcome.