Dec 17, 2010

Materials for today's talk

The files used by Dr Pedroso's talk will be placed in the following directory:

Dec 12, 2010

Dr João Pedro Pedroso from University of Porto, Portugal

On December 17 (Friday), we are going to welcome Dr. João Pedro Pedroso from University of Porto, Portugal. He is Lecturer in Computer Science and was the advisor of Kazuaki Takahashi when he visited Porto under support of Aizu Short Term Abroad Study scholarship ( photos by Kazuaki Takahashi). He is also the supervisor of Rui Jorge Rei, who was studying with us from January to April this year under the support of JASSO scholarship.

He plans to give us a special lecture, titled "An introduction to the Traveling Salesman Problem". The primary audiences of the lecture are the students in the section of the Operating Systems course taught by Hitoshi Oi. However, we plan to make it open to public as the room capacilty allows. The detail will be posted here as it is fixed.

Abstract: One of the most widely studied problems in discrete optimization is the Traveling Salesman Problem. In this talk we will make an introduction to this problem and to strategies that can be used for solving it. We will also present some variants, focusing on applications in subjects related to computer science.

(From Left, Rui, Pedro and Hitoshi).

Nov 22, 2010


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netname:        GMOHS-DS
descr:          GMO HOSTING & SECURITY INC.

Oct 29, 2010


Hitoshi Oi and Kazuaki Takahashi are going to attend the IPSJ SIGEVA workshop, which will be held at the Hachioji Campus of the Tokyo University of Technology on November 29. Thet are going to present work-in-progress report, titled, "Workload Analysis of a Consolidated Java Application Server."

Oct 9, 2010

Open Campus: today and tomorrow

Our lab is open to public today and tomorrow, from 10am to 3pm. We set a live camera which is broadcast on ustrem.

Sep 30, 2010

Open Campus Fall Session

We will participate the Open Campus event which takes place on Oct 9 (Sat) to 10 (Sun). See more Open Campus page of our group for more information.

Video from Open Campus Summer Session

Sep 21, 2010

Visit to University of Porot

Hitoshi Oi is visiting University of Porto, Portugal. He met Rui, who is a former exchange student to Aizu and Prof. Joao Pedro, who was the host faculty member for Kazuaki Takahashi (an exchange student from Aizu). We discussed on the future exchange plan and continuation of the collaborative project of modeling virtualized system.

Aug 5, 2010

Open Campus Posters

Posters for Open Campus Summer session have been posted at Open Campus page.

(from Open Campus Summer 2009)

Kazuaki Takahashi at SWoPP 2010

Kazuaki Takahashi presented his tehcinical report (co-authored with Hitoshi Oi) "Measurement of Virtualization Overhead in a Java Application Server" at EVA-1 session of SWoPP 2010 Kanazawa.

(unfortunately, voice level is quite low and video quality is poor).

Jul 21, 2010

Kazuaki Takahashi at SWoPP Kanazawa

Kazuaki Takahashi will present his work-in-progress report "Measurement of Virtualization Overhead in a Java Application Server" at SWoPP (in Japanese), which will be held in Kanazawa from Aug 3 to 5.

Jul 19, 2010

Open Campus

Once again, we are going to participate the open lab summer session this year.
Time: Aug 8 (Sun), 1000 to 1500
Venue: 241-E (Research Quadangle Building 2nd Floor). 
This year, we plan set up a live camera using ustream. Detail will be posted at the Open Campus page .

Jun 22, 2010

Sho Niboshi's presentations

Sho Niboshi presented his paper at Xen Summit North America 2010 (on 4/29/10 at AMD, Sunnyvale, CA) and CCV 2010 on 5/17/10 in Singapore. The video of his presentation at Xen Summit is available at the Xen Summit page above.

Jun 21, 2010

Participation in "Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reduction / Light-Down Campaign ” for Prevention of Global Warming

This is a good opportunity for people to seriously pay attention to global warming,
This is a nice idea, but you should start from reducing
One original and fourteen duplicates of the application dossier must be prepared.
this ridiculously large number of copies of internal document.

Jun 17, 2010

ITSim 2010

Hitoshi Oi has been in Kuala Lumpur, to present his paper (co-authored with Sho Niboshi), titled "Workload Analysis of SPECmail2009.".

May 7, 2010

Visit to NetApp and VMware

After Xen Summit, Hitoshi Oi visited NetApp and VMware , where his colleagues at HAL Computer System are working.

(With Sudheer Miryala at NetApp).

Xen Summit North America 2010

We have participated Xen Summit North America 2010 held at AMD, Sunnyvale, CA. Sho Niboshi presented his work and his slides (and later video) are available at the above site.

Apr 21, 2010

Xen Summit North America

Sho Niboshi and Hitoshi Oi will be attending Xen Summit North America, which will be held at AMD HQ, Sunnyvale, CA from April 28 to 29. Sho Niboshi is scheduled to make a presentation on April 29. Registration is still open at Event Registration Site.

Apr 12, 2010

Rui and Kazuaki's talk

Rui Rei is the first visitor from University of Porto under the exchange program agreement with University of Aizu. He gave us a talk on the introduction of his school and his work at Porto as well as during his stay at Aizu.

Prior to Rei, Kazuaki Takahashi visited University of Porto last year and studied under the supervision of Dr Joao Pedro Pedroso with the support of Aizu short term study program. He also talked about the introduction of Porto (from a point of view of a Japanese who has been to a foreign country for the first time) and his study at Porto.

Apr 5, 2010


Hitoshi Oi is serving as an officer of the IPSJ Special Interest Group on System Evaluation (SIGEVA) this academic year. The next SIGEVA workshop will take place as a session of Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing (SWoPP Kanazawa 2010)*, which will be held from August 3 to 5 in Kanazawa.

*only Japanese pages are available.

Apr 2, 2010

Unofficial International Talk: University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Date: Apr 9, from 1900
Venue: South Lounge, Research Quadrangles (in front of 271 S7 Classroom)

Dear all,

University of Porto is one of schools with which Aizu has signed the exchange program agreements. From January this year, an exchange student from Porto, Rui Jorge Rei, who received the scholarship from JASSO, has been with us and engaged in research.

We set an unofficial and casual opportunity for him to talk about introductions to Porto, Portugal and his research.

We will have another speaker, Kazuaki Takahashi, who is a senior student in our group and stayed at Porto for 6 weeks last summer with the support of Aizu Short Study Scholarship.

No registration necessary; walk-ins are welcome.

Mar 24, 2010

Visit to Quantum Inventions

Hitoshi Oi visited Mohit Sindhwani at Quantum Inventions, which is located at the Innovation Centre in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Mohit was affiliated with CHiPES and mentored Sho Niboshi when he (Sho Niboshi) was an intern at CHiPES in 2008. We have discussed on the plans of collaboration projects as well as the internship opportunities at his company.

Visit to CHiPES

Hitoshi Oi visited Prof. Chang Chip-Hon at the Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems (CHiPES) , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. They, together with Prof Chang colleagues, Profs Yu Hao and Kim Tae Hyoung, discussed on research collaboration and exchange program development plans.

Mar 20, 2010

ICCEA 2010

Hitoshi Oi has presented his paper, "A Comparative Study of JVM Implementations with SPECjvm2008", at ICCEA 2010, Bali Island, Indonesia.

Mar 16, 2010

ITSim 2010

A paper titled "Workload Analysis of SPECmail2009" has been accepted for presentation at International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim 2010). The paper is co-authored by Hitoshi Oi and Sho Niboshi and analyzes SPECmail2009, a new benchmark from SPEC for evaluating IMAP4-based enterprise mail servers. ITSim 2010 takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from June 15 to 17 this year.

Feb 27, 2010

Sho Niboshi Thesis Defense

Sho Niboshi successfully defended his MSc Thesis on Feb 22, 2010, at Lecture Hall 206 of the University of Aizu. The title of his thesis was Adaptive Resource Management in a Virtualized System." His defense presentation can be seen at (1), (2), (3).

Feb 4, 2010

Visit to UCD Ireland

Manami Motegi will visit University College Dublin, Ireland, in March and study at Applied Language Centre . She also plans to audit a course offered at School of Computer Science and Informatics .

Thesis Defense

Sho Niboshi will defend his Master's Thesis, titled "Adaptive Resource Management in a Virtualized System", on Feb 22, from 1420 to 1450 at M6 (Lecture Hall 206).

Xen Summit North America 2010

Xen Summit North America 2010 will be held in Sunnyvale, CA on April 21 to 22 and Hitoshi Oi will participate as a program committee member.

Jan 25, 2010

Rui is in Aizu now

Rui Rei, an exchange student from Porgutal has arrived Japan last week and he started studying in our group.