Sep 24, 2011

ICIMµ 2011

A paper authored by Hitoshi Oi is accepted for presentation at 2011 5th International conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMµ2011) , which will take place in Kuala Lunmpur, Malaysia in November. The paper is titled "Power-Performance Analysis of JVM Implementations" and compares two open-source implementations of JVM, OpenJDK and J9 in their performance and dynamic power consumption using SPECjvm2008.

Sep 22, 2011

Visit to Porto

Hitoshi Oi is visiting University of Porto, Portugal and is meeting Ines and Vitor, Joao Pedro and Rui.

Sep 9, 2011


Hitoshi Oi attended the International Conference on High Performance and Communications (HPCC) held in Banff, Canada and presented a paper at the Workshop on Sustainable HPC Cloud Computing (SHPCC '11) . The paper is titled as "Performance Modeling of a Consolidated Java Application Server" and is co-authored with Kazuaki Takahashi.