Aug 19, 2009

Visit to USF

The last place to visit for my trip was to University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, where I did my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering.

I was hoping to see Dr. Ranganathan, who was my PhD advisor. Unfortunately, he was not available for some reason. but his student, Soumyaroop (a student of Ranga, on my right in the last picture), took care of my visit and made arrangement for a seminar.

I also met other people including Dr Christensen (professor in CSE dept) and Daniel Prieto (a technical staff of CSE dept). I had a good time in Tampa and re-realized Tampa is a great place to live.

Aug 18, 2009

Kazuaki Takahashi's photo album

Kazuaki Takahashi, a junior student in the CAOS group, has created an album where he will post photos taken in Porto. The feed from his album appears on the right column of this page.

Aug 10, 2009

University of Delaware

After the NCA09 conference, I visited Dr Taufer at Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Delaware.

She set up a meeting with Prof. Saunders (Dept. Chair, on the 1st picture) and a seminar. The seminar covered the paper presented at NCA09 and other research topics within our group, as well as an introduction to our school.

I enjoyed the lunch with Dr Taufer's students (2nd picture) and the dinner with her and her colleague Dr Swany (last picture).

Aug 6, 2009


From July 9 to 11, I was in Cambridge, MA to attend IEEE NCA09. I presented a paper, titled "Optimizations of Large Receive Offload in Xen" (with Fumio Nakajima) at the conference.

Aug 2, 2009

Open Campus Pictures

We have participated Open Campus 2009 Summer. Students presented their research topics and also a demo of virtualization technologies on a desktop environment.