Apr 17, 2013

IEEE SYSCON 2013 (2)

At SYSCON 2013, Hitoshi Oi met Dr Abdel Ejnioui. They were colleagues at a lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Florida while both were studying for the PhD degree. He was also visiting the University of Aizu in 2008 as a visiting researcher.

The paper presented at SYSCON 2013 (titled "Power-Efficiency Study using SPECjEnterprise2010," DOI: 10.1109/SysCon.2013.6549977) received the Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention).

Apr 15, 2013


Hitoshi Oi is headed to Orlando, Florida, to attend 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference (SYSCON) . He will present a paper titled "Power-Efficiency Study using SPECjEnterprise2010" (co-authored with Sho Niboshi) and will also chair a session Critical Systems (from 8am to 9:45am on Apl 18).